About Me
- f.
- yeaaa , fun here , welcome peeps ♥ please don't even judge me if you don't know me . YOU ARE NOT WELCOME if you DISLIKE me and this blog (: thanks !
the days where i stay alone
how long have i been stay in singapore?
1.......2........3.........is going into the forth months!
how blessful am i for given a batch of lovely girls , a best trainer in world , a best boyfriend who support me all the time , a caring mentor and a life with smile!
it's already the third week of flying for me.
though i'm just so stress everytime before i went for flight yet i still enjoy on what am i doing now .
i know that the worst things have not yet come into my life .
there's much more bad feeling that i have to cover for the rest of my days in this company .
firmly believe that nothing is gonna be nice to you all the time , and so ,
appreciate the best cause it will not last long ,
forget the worst cause it will not last long either!
that's how i going to comfort myself , smile when people be nice to you ; dont ever cry when people scolded you , cry behind the screen .
cry itself doesn't mean you lose , it just mean that you're mature enough to handle your own emotional .
who in this world have no tears? everyone does.
i believe that i'm much more lucky than the rest , no reason , just because i have a sweetest boyfriend in the world who willing to share my sadness with me , hold me tight whenever i'm going to fall down , encourage me to keep it on whenever i feel like giving up .
thanks god i have you , rmp! (:
stay strong baby!
it will be my pretty 18 years old in singapore , i mean i hope for it , hahaha!
a early merry christmas to the world , and to myself (:
off to langkawi in the evening! god bless! (:
Something there's first come in my life .
I'm fucking proud to say that , I'm doing very fine here , and i never cry .
Not even a teardrops (:
There's no point for me to cry ba ?
I've a bunch of batchmate who did to care me like a family .
I've my dear Jack who always accompany when I'm alone .
I've my dearest sister who always carry a lot of things for my daily life used .
And , I've got not enough time to do my own things not even to feel sad !
Being a crew is not that easy .
Is not only serving coffee tea but we've got much more things to handle on board .
Honestly , fellow IE friends , it's fun to have training but the test given is really not easy .
Get ready no matter in part of physiological or psychological .
You'll really stress to the maxxxxxx !
Well , supposingly enjoy with that but I'm not fooling around .
Just finish my first aid test last week , proud to say , PASS !
Well done MI 94 , ladies , we're always on the top of the peak :D
Hahaha , but guess what , the toughest part is coming around .
Suffering ! Two weeks more to go . Go ladies ! never give up !
Surely we'll graduate as a batch ! ♥
I think I've a very colourful life in my age of 18 which will never never delete from my mind .
My superman , who did to make me laugh non-stop all the time ,
thanks for singing this song for me .
I don't even get what's message you want to pass to me ,
I thought that's just because this is a new song , so you sing it :)
But I get the message when you tell me what's the song's name and after i reading for the lyrics .
Eww , it's sweet , and obviously I fall in love with this song .
It's really a nice song and it represent what your mind thinking ba ♥
Where the world unwinds @ 94 . ♥
even though is quite boring here , even though is quite lonely here .
but what we have to be is MATURE .
yeap , I am just 18 , is a challenge for me since I never been leave home for such a long period and yet , is my first job as well .
there's no point for me to escape with this , everyone will have such life .
fellow friends and lovely family ,
not to worry me , I do have a good life here .
I meet a lot of new friends here .
I do know how to survive without any help :)
so peeps , don't worry .
I do really appreciate the concerns that you guys give me after I came Singapore .
that's why friends needed in life .
and thanks god I do have a bunches of real friends in life ♥
here's my little tiny life's photo :)
一个人的生活 , 没有很糟 ♥
现在的我还懂得什么是 - 笑 .
真的够力佩服我自己 , 一个人虽然很闷很无聊也很难过 ,
但又如何 ?!
我可是邓家最硬朗的宝宝呃 ! ♥
我竟然敢敢一个人逛街 , 解决所面对到的突发性问题 .
自己为自己的生活作决定 , 想笑就笑 , 想发呆就发呆 !
至少我还有一个最忠实的伴 - 虫虫 !
那天疯疯地一个人去逛街 , 买了好多好多的东西 .
真的很痛苦 , 因为每每进到男生服装店就真的很痛苦 !
因为就看到很多很多很漂亮的衣服和裤子 , 真的很想买给他的咯 ~
可是没有办法 , 一定得忍 .
结果 , 就给自己买了一堆有的没的 :D
花了也不少钱呃 !!!
最近也实在太爱收集玫瑰耳环 ♥
我 , 别来无恙 (:
已经离开怡保到吉隆坡有一个多月了叻 .
似乎过得还蛮不错 .
吃得饱 , 睡得好 .
认识到朋友 , 学习到很多事情 , 见识到人情冷暖 .
无疑 , 我成长了少少 (:
一个人在外地 , 没有朋友 , 没有家人 , 真的很可悲 .
唯一庆幸的是 , 我还有一个我很爱的人时常联络我 .
只是人总是不知足 , 拼命地要求这 , 要求那 ~ 只会让人更想逃 !
这一秒的我 , 正一个人呆在客厅 , 细诉着对家乡的思念 , 对家人的牵挂 , 和对你的爱 ♥
已经两个星期没有回到家乡了 , 两个星期没见到我的家人 , 没有吃到家乡的食物 .
特别是你 , 两个星期失去了联络 , 更别说是碰面 ~
有时侯自己呆在宿舍的时候 , 就爱想东想西 .
想想近来的你是否过得很好 , 是否依然开心于每一天的生活 , 是否又长得更壮了 .
有多思念陪我闹得很疯的你 , 有多思念认真注视电视屏幕的你 , 有多思念逗着宠物嘻嘻笑着的你 , 有多思念踏着油门哼着音乐的你 ~
心的距离比确实相隔的距离 , 隔得更大更多更远 .
渴望在你面前再撒娇多一遍 , 在你面前再逗你笑一遍 , 在你面前再装愚蠢一遍 .
我记得我对你说过 , 在别人的眼前你可以什么都是 , 可是在我的眼前 , 你可以理所当然的做你自己 , 不用逞强更不用伪装 .
我也记得你在我耳边 , 轻声细语地对我说 , "答应我 , 要笑" .
你做过的事 , 说过的话 , 我都记得太清楚了 ~
无论是对我做的说的 , 又或是对别人做的说的 .
而我看开了 , 傻傻的信服你了 ♥
却照成了对自己最大的伤害 ~
唯一行得通的方法就是顺着你走 , 再也不联络了 .
因为 , 没有必要痴痴地等待 .
或许有一天 , 我会在你不知不觉当中 , 放弃了 (:
就在某年某月的某一天 , 当我敷衍着你 , 不再在乎你 , 不再期盼你的信息 , 更不再想回复你的信息 ~
证明着 , 我不爱了 .
致 , 亲爱的虫虫 .
这阵子辛苦你了 , 把你抱得那么紧 , 又时常烦着你让你听我说话 , 真抱歉 ♥
可这也是你陪我到吉隆坡的原因呗 ~ 反正 , 你爹都不理你和你娘叻 , 你就勉强跟着你娘呗 ♥
于 , 爱你的娘 .
things in life :)
hmm , my little cutie coursemate had leave us !
thats the one who i met with in the first day i come ~ ShiJeng .
she is a cute and adorable girl ♥ a april intake senior .
but something happen to her family and she force to quit from the study at Inter-Excel .
having a small farewell for her in hostel and take many photo with her :)
so sad that we never help her to have a farewell , and we not even in the hostel when she leave !
but what , i saw few piece of paper on the dining table , writing all of the housemate name .
and i find mine ! my name with a piece of small paper .
writen there ,
To Shu Fen ,
Hey , remember to tag me the photo that i take together with SJ . Nice to meet you , a little cute girl , as cute as SJ !
Bye , take care !
Iynevs .
i just know her for few days , but is like knew for few months !
she is a march intake senior , well , bless her to have her own way in future ♥
story back to the life in Ipoh !
well , staying in his house for 3 days 2 nights again :DDDD
what a sweet story ~ eww ~
i dont know why , he keeep catch me and ask me take photo with him :$
and chat happily with the boy's "god mother" .
by the way , the boy is getting mad when Shan and I ask him to fetch us to Pasar Malam ~
Opps , well , is over !
went to parade for shopping and AGAIN ! bought many many things for my school ~
my mum bought ELLE watch for me , and bottle of DKNY perfume as well ~
Oh my lovely mummy , why you try to teach bad your daughter ?
your daughter still underage and not even have any job experience before ..
why you try to teach her to buy branded things , even that is not so branded !! :D
but am still very greatful to you la mummy ~ ♥ thanks mum !
To the birthday boy :)
Teohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~
Hahahahaa , i dont know why i so love to call you like this ~
Teohhhhhhhh sounds better than Hopkinss !
Teohhhhhhhhhh ~ ♥ Shang Yatt Fai Lok ♥ Happy Birthday ♥ Selamat Hari Jadi ♥
oh yeaaa , am so sorry Teoh ~
that i could not back to Ipoh and celebrate with you . am really sorry ~
even that my appearance is not that important :D Hahahaha .
Well , back to topics !
Teohhhhh ar Teohhhhhh , finally 18 years old jor lor , dai gor zai lor !
Never look backward ! Just focus the things that you having in this moment !
Dont always showing a emo face , and please treat everyone with your sweet smiling ♥
Study hard , work hard , play hard !!
Fun hereby blessing you , all the super duper best ! *huggies ♥
thousands of feeling ~
most of those February seniors gone .
the feeling is like a bit sad .
from the day i came to Kuala Lumpur until now , there have been too many things happen !
Farrah gone , Apple gone , Eunice gone .
Visitors like Ridge , gone .
life is like so , when we going to close apart with each other , we will be far apart with each other in next second .
i believe that sadness will stay in our hearts because we lose those seniors ,
but happiness will show in our face that we believe that seniors will have a great life in aviation industry !
just slightly be friend with everyone who passing by our side ♥
by the way , a happy and lovable things happen in last week !
that i stay in someone house for few days ♥
i am really greatful to the person and the person's family , that they always take good care for me and cook a lot of food for me !
and curious what , the person post a picture that i took for him !
i totally shock for this action , since everyone of his friends dislike me what !
by the way , is feeling super sweet with this ♥
back to the topics , feeling a bit stressful this few days :(
that's the reason why i told the person that i want to hide back to ipoh again :DD
ya , am those type of person . whenever there's stress , i will choose to hide myself !
but luckily , the person rejected me and give me encouragement ♥
actually the stress was just come from the homework !
ah sir ask me to go for SilkAir interview what :S
as everyone know , cover letter and resume have to prepare for attending interview .
and i totally do not have any idea on cover letter and resume ~
but what , thanks to Apple who send me a sample and at the end of the story , i had finish it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope the interview will go smoothly ♥
what if i have been choosen ???????
OMG ! i dont even dare to think for this :D
Lifeeeeee in Jiiii Long Po ;DDD
is like not bad loh ~ so far so good lohhh ~
quite numb for the school days , everyday introduce ownself , then answer question , thats all :D
there's many interviews fall on this month ..
AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines just pass through , and the coming upnext will be Silk Airways .
but then , none of the interviews i will be joining for !
since am just a new intake student , am still in learning stage :D
i dont even know how to type a Resume , how to type a cover letter ..
i dont even know how to make a suitable make-up ..
i dont even have a perfect full-length photo ..
how can a trained student attend a interview without so many things ?
thats the reason i dint took part on any interview yet :D
i know what , i am not ready for it yet , i would not have a perfect performance !
by the simple way , i have a nice life here ! i means the days that no need study !
i can stay hostel sleep untill noon .
i can hang out with housemates anytime i want to do so .
i can lepak every where from early in the morning until late of night .
is like ...... the life at here was so relaxieeeeeee ♥
well , having a three lonely days in hostel on 20/5 , 21/5 , 22/5 :(
since everyone of them are attending for the Malaysia Airlines interview in Penang ~
am just alone in the hostel !
thanks to the boy , whoever call me and chat with me when am scaring to the GHOST :'(
the day was a heavy rainy day , and i was affraid for the thunder storm !
and sure , the quiet environment in hostel too .................................................................
i dont even dare to look around to my hostel , i just sit at the living room and watch the television :D
until the moment he call me ♥ and he try to calm me down .
chat many different topic with me and never let me have even a second to think others !
yessss , am so greatful to the boy :)
but i still would not be forgiving him for so enjoy to flirt with others ! even we are just simple friends :DDDDD
i dont know , i just hate the attitude what !
Hahahaha , well , lets back to the topic !
here come a newbie , a boy from Johor , name Benjamin :)
wheeeee , a great welcome to him ♥
he's so talkative , so love to smile , so love to go out !
what to say , he's like the boy , Sxx . :D
both of them is very similiar , sinceeeeeeeeeeee :
both of their punggung got lots of NAILS !
meaning that , they cant sit well for a few minutes !
yeaahhhhhh , Benjamin is type of this boy ~
dont know date me how many time for go out lepak already ! i just IGNORED ^^
so , nice to meet Benjamin and his mother and sister !
and thanks a lot to Ben's mother that giving me a 肉粽 , is yummy , and it totally make my heart MELT ~ ♥
have a good life here , Ben !
welcome to Inter-Excel !
welcome to hostel !
welcome to be one of the May intake student :D
i'm coming home , coming home ~
my lovely hometown , i do miss you all the time ♥
i think i might be going back by bus with my sister , she will be back from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur now (:
wheee , actually , i am not really wanted to go back , i rather stay hostel and crazy with my gang of housemates ♥ Hahahaha !
but the truth is I WILL BE BACK SOON !
thats LIFE :)
I need some days moreeeeeeee :'(
one letter and one card for my lovely mum .
another letter and card is for someone else ♥
oh yeaaaa , i have been prepare it for few days , today only i drive out myself and send it out to post office (:
picture shown here is my look without contact lens but with specs , without pretty clothes but with my pyjamas . :D
hope the peoples who receive my letter or card will be suprisingly for what i done for them (:
is really a tired day for today , drive my mum here and there !
went to bank , top to toe , tesco , and the store (:
it will be the last day i fetching my mum here and there , since tomorrow i will be hanging out untill night , and saturday morning i have to leave ♥
here was my luggage , my make up stools , everythings that i have to bring up to Kuala Lumpur !
yeaaaa , there have no more times for me to wasteeeeeeeeeeeee .
but the fact is i have to LEAVE ! it would not be change !!!! (:
thanks HookKen , my lovely cutieeee brother , who text me well and remind me to take care myself in the strange environment ♥ is feeling so sweet !
Teohhhhhh , dont worry , i will be take care there (:
please take care yourself too , will find you when i come back ! :D
kindly visit me if you visit to Kuala Lumpur , i will be bring you to the Toilet Bowl's concept in Sungei Wang , and you have to treat me eat :DD
TeohKenKen a.k.a TeohHopKin , ILOVEYOU yeaaaaaaa ♥
all for today , my eyes was feeling so dry and uncomfortable , since i had wear contact lens for three days continuously with a long period !
imma waiting for tomorrow yeahhhhhhh (:
Am Alright ! ♥
seriously , just wish to meet with him , nearly forget how did his look like :'(
recall back the day before he leave to Singapore , the day i went to his house .
he said he wanted to buy fries and ask mummy to fry it .
but the fries is OUT OF STOCK !
and this lazy worm , ask him go Tesco buy he dont want , beh tahan !
the days after he leave , i dream a stupid dreams for few times already !
thats a dream showing there ,
the day he come back to house , am suprisingly in his house too ! and what am i doing ?
hahahahaha , and he was so shock and looking at me , cause i make the kitchen super oily !
by the way , it just a DREAM yeaaaa !
so am decided to visit his house with a pack of raw FRIES !
early in the morning after done all the things then i started my trip .
this is the first time that i am driving alone , without a people sitting by my side and said : slow down weyyyyyy! thats my mum quotation ^^
without my mum really scary one , cause i keep steping on the oil , and it keeping on increase on the speed :D
is like , this is the first time i drive so fast !
went to Jaya Jusco and bought a pack of KitKat , for the KitKat's addictor ♥
after that i found the Fries part , i wondering how come it will be so many type of Fries ?!
am not mentioned about the brand , but is the choices for the fries -.-
what crinkled fries , straightcut fries , shoestring fries ........
godness , i really dont know how to choose and actually i prefer shoestring .
but the fries is for him but not me , so must to ask him first lu ..
he called me and told me that DONT BUY ! cause his sister already bought it .
so i just pay for the KitKat (:
i lied the stupid again ♥ he ask me being with who in Jusco , then i lied him said with my mum , he really trust :D actually am alone .
after that i went to Memory Lane to buy two Mothers' Day Card , is extremely expensive . i rather i draw it by myself :(
i have only one mother , but the second one is for his mother ♥ thats why i bought two .
then went to the food court and bought Donashi for his family !
since i will be not going to visit his house without bringing anythings !
the Donashi is really cute and delicious , not that expensive also , 9 pcs is only for RM 11 ♥ . and there've got many diffrent type and outlooking of Donashi , used up 5 minutes for choosing 9 pieces ! :D hebatnya !
pheww , finally i can drive out from there and heading to his house .
well , he is not at home , not bad wert ! passing the Donashi to his mum .
Mummy was like : awwww , so cute ♥ ! it's really cute !
and so i have been sitting there for almost one hour , chat for many many things .
i had tell mummy that i will be leaving on this saturday , and i cry after i say this .
Ah boy scold me and ask me to stop crying :'(
hmm , chat for lots and lots of topics lar .
but once they said such : take care ar , you no problem geh lar , will come back geh mar , nothing geh lar , cry what lar , dont miss here lar , who you missing and worry on actually ...... these such things then my tears will automatically drop down .
this is the first time i cry in front of his mummy and Ah boy , is like .......................... very SHAMEFUL !
and Ah boy also said something to me secretly and softly , my tears was like - Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!
mummy gave me a big huggies before i leave ♥ and she keep ask me to text her after leave here , totally make me CRY ! but still want to smile to mummy with a redish face ,eyes and nose , i dont want them to see my weak looks :')
hmm , went back home on 1340 pm . since he is not coming back home cause he was with his gang of friends ....... is quite dissapointed (:
by the way , this is the first time i drive with a complicated mood !
cause am recall back all the things that mummy and Ah boy told me when driving car , and my tears drop down again and make my eyesight blur !
but finally , i went back home safety ♥ thanks god .
super thanks to my brother , WinTan . ♥
that he wanted to have a farewell gathering for me , but i rejected with some reason (:
REALLY , you are my whole life brother !
thanks WinTan ! and yet , Love you much WinTan ♥
be sure that next time when am coming back to ipoh and you have to drive me out for yum cha !
my lovely TanWinWin a.k.a TanBuiWin , ILOVEYOU yeaaaaaaa ♥ :D
and just now i having a quite crazy idea to him (:
that i wanted him to be my one day boyfriend , and it will be the end for us after that .
honestly , am used to appreciate this chance to finish all the dreams that i wish to done with him ♥
he have to bring me out to play to eat to shopping and all the money will be paid by him along the whole period !
am waiting for that day ! ♥
Pre-Farewell ? ;D
having a small farewell with Alphard's owner , his wifey , his daughter and my mummy just now (:
again , a chance for me to sit in his Alphard again :D
hmm , rich man life is like very cincai !!
once his wifey ask us want go where eat , then Alphard's owner jau say : Menglembu 东海 .
walao eh , we stay at Gopeng Road , sit almost 20 minutes car to Menglembu just for a DINNER !
ahemmm * my os for that time is : 吾驶甘大件事呱 @@
Hahaha , cause i never expect he will bring us go so far ..........
his 2 years old daughter , Yan Yan is cute ♥ keep play with me in the car !
and yeaaa , having Lala as one of the meals !!!!
know what , am Lala's addictor , his wifey too !!! ♥
is super yummy for all foods there !
having red bean pudding and fruits as dessert (: pretty nice pre-farewell !
will be having farewell again on thursday and friday ^^
is addicted to this snacks recently !
is my foods for breakfast , lunch , and supper ♥
thats the reason why i getting fat and fattttttttttttt !!!!!
面对着你说谎 , 很难 ♥
你被骗了吧 ! 先是被我骗说会和你一起读ACS !
哈哈哈 , 我想那时的你一定愣了愣 !
毕竟如果我和你读同一间学校 , 就等于抹杀了你泡妞的前路呃 !! 没错呗 ? :D
放心吧 ~ 妈教我做女生别那么笨 , 硬要束缚着男生就等于自寻死路 !
后来你问的那个问题 , 还真让我愣了愣 !
你竟然问我吉隆坡那里几时开学 .................................................. :/
如果跟着我的计划走 , 我是不打算告诉你我要离开的 .
所以当你问我那个问题的时候 , 我竟然很心虚的跟你说 "我不知道" .
然后你激动的反应 , 真让我觉得更加心虚 !
只是我依然没有说出实话 , 反而是打太极似的把问题转到你身上了 (:
很对不起 . 因为我实在没有办法对你说 "我还有5天就得离开" .
我害怕你知道这件事以后 , 只是冷冷的回应我说 "好照顾好自己" .
我没办法理解你太冷静的回应 .
我害怕你知道这件事以后 , 立刻出现在我面前然后抱着我说 "我不舍得你" .
我没办法看着你那么不舍的样子 , 然后还要两个人哭成一团 . :D
我害怕你知道这件事以后 , 没有任何的反应 .
我没办法主动地说 "其实我不舍得你" . :'(
无论你知道这件事以后会有什么反应 , 我都害怕 .
请原谅我选择了最愚蠢的方式保护我自己 .
唯一能做的 , 就是静静的和你一起像平常一样过日子 .
直到离开的那一天 , 才告诉你 "我已经离开了" .
至少那时候无论是不舍 , 还是冷漠 , 还是激动 , 都于事无补了 .
就连想在离开前吃咪咪煮的饭菜 , 我也不敢登门造访 .
因为那时候我不会哭 , 我只会笑得很开心 , 很知足 (:
我真不想让你和家人看见我最无助最软弱的一面 .
生离死别 , 依然是我的死穴 !
信件会在我离开前的一天寄出去 ,
COUNTDOWN : 5 days more to go !
Welcome Back to Malaysiaaaa ♥
is feeling kinda shock and suprise when receive the message !
i cant even trust that the message is really send out by his phone yea !
he din't cheat me (:
he din't cheat anyone that he promised before !
but we aren't that friend already lu !
dont know ? may be is too long din't chat with each other .
feel like we dont have a topic that can discuss on .
anyway , the pub is waiting for you , phewwww :D
A Promise .
as he promise everyone , he will be back before may .
aren't today is the last day he stay there ?
god knows ? he never contact with me .
and so , i wouldn't hug any hopes for it .
what i wish is , he wouldn't feeling shock when he reopen his phone by using simcard :D
since i had spam his phone all the time after he leave here ! wahahahaha !!!!!!!!
i think we couldn't not be able to meet up before i transfer to Kuala Lumpur .
phewww , 一切随缘 ♥
i wouldn't not tell him that i will leave here , I WOULDN'T (:
just make it as a ending up for both of us , i know he wouldn't blame me . hopefully he wouldn't .
am now preparing the things that i have to bring it out to Kuala Lumpur luuuu !
wheee , feel like a bit frightened , a bit excited , a bit sadness !
Hahaha , what a zap ba lang feel ! :D
unfortunately , i terseliuh my leg yesterday :'(
i hope it will be recover before the day i leave !!!!!!!! grrrr :/
School days ?
since the bus station PuduRaya is reopen , but i dont know where is it .. !
so , me and my mummy is like a crazy walking on the road !!! :D
my godness , feel like so pai seh like that !
hmm , bo bian lor , but finally we also found the stupid place lar ^^
thanks all stranger and police that help us before ! THANKS ALL ! ♥
the school and the office is at Jalan Bukit Bintang , a plaza name Fahrenheit 88 (:
is nearby , Lot 10 , Sungei Wang , Pavillion , Time Square , Low Yatt plaza ....... etc .
so i think imma be going crazy shopping with this ♥ awwwww !
went there and meet up with Karen* there, a officer that help me register last time in Tower Regency Hotel .
and Eelin* , a officer too !
Claire* , a senior , even she is same age with me !
since she join the earlier intake , so i have to call her Claire senior. Haha.
she is the one i wanna thanks the most !
is Claire* call me and explain many things with me , then only i feel like wanna study this course !
and Adrian* , a senior too . meet up with him in schools and he is quite tall and thin !
and Ms. Chong* , our school headmastress , is a kind woman !
and Mr.DontKnow* , i dont know his name lar ! aiyo , he is our school headmaster , is boss !
he is a fat indian guy with a big tummy ! Hahahaha .
he know to talk many types of language ! husband to Ms.Chong* ♥
and KinMun* , a senior , Ipoh lang ! from Pasir Puteh ! ex-SMI student .
i have to thanks to him too ! he is the one who came out from hostel to school just to bring me back to hostel and visit for it :D
and SweeLee* , a senior , girlfriend to KinMun* , and she will be my housemate (:
as a conclusion for school parts , everyone looks kindly !
oh yea , and well-descipline , highly manners !
once they saw someone come in , they will say " Mr/Ms XXX , morning ! " loudly !
and shake hand shake hand and shake hand :D
saw who also have to shake hand !
well , after meet up with my future coursemates and senior ,
i went to Sungei Wang with my mummy (:
purposely is to buy some formal outfit for me . but we cant find any nice formal-t .
guess what , i met with Teoh ! Hahaha , i cant even expect i will met friends there !
wheee , he looks ...... hmm ... HANDSOME :$ , SERIOUSLY !
Hahaha , and saw Gary Kenny and few more with him lar , a gang :D
around 1330 , went to McD and having lunch there !
back to office around 1430 , wait for someone free to bring us back to hostel to have a look !
Karen* ask me to go schools for visiting some seniors that having class .
Goshhhh , totally make me shocked when Karen* open the door .
is full with seniors ! and they had pay a high attention to me with "Hi !! :D "
i sure got reply back with " Hi everyone . am May intake student , will be yours junior (: "
feel super shy lohhhhhhhh :$$
however , KinMun* , the senior who want to take me and mummy visit to the hostel ,
is finally reach to office by 1600 . Hahaha , super late one !
hmm , the hostel is at Chow Kit , Jalan Pahang .
KinMun* senior teach me the way to take Monorail , the way to back to hostel .
and what should i bring for later on when am going there .
Thanks KinMun* senior !
no comment with the hostel =x hehehehe .
went back to PuduRaya around 1630 by taxi , wasted RM 7.40 . grr :/
take 1750 Plusliner bus and went back Ipoh , what a tired trip !
since i was not sure with their name spelling , so i just put a " * " there . Subject to Change ? :DDD
well , the picture shown on the top is the three station that i have to mention about .
then is Monorail , Bukit Bintang station , the station that nearby my school . just have to pass by a busy road then there is my school located .
lastly is also Monorail , Chow Kit station . the station that i have to take if i want to back hostel !
so , it will be my new life what ! i wondering either i can live there peacefully ? :/
Officially , i am Inter-Excel Advisory May intake student , SookFun ♥
and i will have my Orientation day on 7th of May !
COUNTDOWN : 11 days more to go !
FUN , with deeply ♥ .
Oh my pretty babe , Xperia 10 ♥
yeappie yay ! finally get back my lovely phone this afternoon !
it finally came back to my side :D
as i posted in the older post , my phone was just used to upgrade the version (:
so my babe was really change a lot after i get it back !
feel like totally strange with it o.O
i have to use some times to learn it again !
all the games and applications that i download before is also deleted :'(
meaning that i have to visit to android market and download again !
Goshhhhhhhhh ! used up my time !
but then , after upgrade the version , many of the problems that i met with last time before upgrade , WAS SETTLE ♥
and my phone name is now become X10i . Hahahahaha !
i dont know whether the ' i ' is already there for thousand years ago , or just a simbol that represent i upgrade it for one time before .
maybe next time will become X10ii ? X10iii ? X10iiii ??? who knows ? :D
the another problem for now is INTERNET !
as Iphone Blackberry HTC kind of phones , my babeee Xperia 10 is also can known as a " smart phone " !
smart phone is just like a mini computer , this is what the phone promoter told me this afternoon ! :D
peoples who using smart phones is kind of , you know , as known as high tech peoples !
cause what , peoples using smart phones sure is always online or play some online games thru phone !
is easier that we can surfing internet with using smart phones compare with some old mobile phones .
like my babeee Xperia 10 , android market is everything ♥
can download all types of free games and application there , but have to pay for the internet lar (:
and 'ya , i touched the point !
since my house does not have house phone , so even my computer also connect with broadband but not WiFi .
so i cant online all the time as it will be charges money if i using internet without connect with WiFi .
i just can surf for 0.facebook.com , a free excess from operator - DiGi !
but recently , the 0.facebook.com is not a free excess for my phone anymore ! grrr :/
everytime i surf 0.facebook.com meaning that i have to pay for daily internet usage - RM 5 !
as a poor student , i cant affort it for EVERYDAY !
what ? you ask me dont online with my phone ?????
so what the f**k i have to buy a smart phones ? is it better that i buy a cheap phone just used to pick up phone call and reply sms ? goshhhhh :/
so now , the phone promoter promote me to change my operator , form DiGi to UMobile (:
but i dont know what to choose !
UMobile offers a package that ,
RM 28/month , unlimited internet usage , FUP Quota 500 MB , NO additional charges , speed is up to 14.4 mbps with 64 kbps after 500 MB , validity is 30 days , and the bonus is FREE 100min talkime and 30 sms each a time you top up !
so , is it better than Digi ?
i dont have any concept with that !!!!
so please , i need some HELP ! help me to analyse and help me to choose :'(