其实一个人的生活 , 不赖 (:
现在的我还懂得什么是 - 笑 .
真的够力佩服我自己 , 一个人虽然很闷很无聊也很难过 ,
但又如何 ?!
我可是邓家最硬朗的宝宝呃 ! ♥
我竟然敢敢一个人逛街 , 解决所面对到的突发性问题 .
自己为自己的生活作决定 , 想笑就笑 , 想发呆就发呆 !
至少我还有一个最忠实的伴 - 虫虫 !
那天疯疯地一个人去逛街 , 买了好多好多的东西 .
真的很痛苦 , 因为每每进到男生服装店就真的很痛苦 !
因为就看到很多很多很漂亮的衣服和裤子 , 真的很想买给他的咯 ~
可是没有办法 , 一定得忍 .
结果 , 就给自己买了一堆有的没的 :D
花了也不少钱呃 !!!
最近也实在太爱收集玫瑰耳环 ♥
About Me
- f.
- yeaaa , fun here , welcome peeps ♥ please don't even judge me if you don't know me . YOU ARE NOT WELCOME if you DISLIKE me and this blog (: thanks !
我 , 别来无恙 (:
已经离开怡保到吉隆坡有一个多月了叻 .
似乎过得还蛮不错 .
吃得饱 , 睡得好 .
认识到朋友 , 学习到很多事情 , 见识到人情冷暖 .
无疑 , 我成长了少少 (:
一个人在外地 , 没有朋友 , 没有家人 , 真的很可悲 .
唯一庆幸的是 , 我还有一个我很爱的人时常联络我 .
只是人总是不知足 , 拼命地要求这 , 要求那 ~ 只会让人更想逃 !
这一秒的我 , 正一个人呆在客厅 , 细诉着对家乡的思念 , 对家人的牵挂 , 和对你的爱 ♥
已经两个星期没有回到家乡了 , 两个星期没见到我的家人 , 没有吃到家乡的食物 .
特别是你 , 两个星期失去了联络 , 更别说是碰面 ~
有时侯自己呆在宿舍的时候 , 就爱想东想西 .
想想近来的你是否过得很好 , 是否依然开心于每一天的生活 , 是否又长得更壮了 .
有多思念陪我闹得很疯的你 , 有多思念认真注视电视屏幕的你 , 有多思念逗着宠物嘻嘻笑着的你 , 有多思念踏着油门哼着音乐的你 ~
心的距离比确实相隔的距离 , 隔得更大更多更远 .
渴望在你面前再撒娇多一遍 , 在你面前再逗你笑一遍 , 在你面前再装愚蠢一遍 .
我记得我对你说过 , 在别人的眼前你可以什么都是 , 可是在我的眼前 , 你可以理所当然的做你自己 , 不用逞强更不用伪装 .
我也记得你在我耳边 , 轻声细语地对我说 , "答应我 , 要笑" .
你做过的事 , 说过的话 , 我都记得太清楚了 ~
无论是对我做的说的 , 又或是对别人做的说的 .
而我看开了 , 傻傻的信服你了 ♥
却照成了对自己最大的伤害 ~
唯一行得通的方法就是顺着你走 , 再也不联络了 .
因为 , 没有必要痴痴地等待 .
或许有一天 , 我会在你不知不觉当中 , 放弃了 (:
就在某年某月的某一天 , 当我敷衍着你 , 不再在乎你 , 不再期盼你的信息 , 更不再想回复你的信息 ~
证明着 , 我不爱了 .
这一刻 , 我放声大哭 , 因为我相信 , 哭过以后才会笑得更甜 ._.
致 , 亲爱的虫虫 .
这阵子辛苦你了 , 把你抱得那么紧 , 又时常烦着你让你听我说话 , 真抱歉 ♥
可这也是你陪我到吉隆坡的原因呗 ~ 反正 , 你爹都不理你和你娘叻 , 你就勉强跟着你娘呗 ♥
于 , 爱你的娘 .
things in life :)
Opps , did not update my bloggie for one week already .
hmm , my little cutie coursemate had leave us !
thats the one who i met with in the first day i come ~ ShiJeng .
she is a cute and adorable girl ♥ a april intake senior .
but something happen to her family and she force to quit from the study at Inter-Excel .
having a small farewell for her in hostel and take many photo with her :)
hmm , my little cutie coursemate had leave us !
thats the one who i met with in the first day i come ~ ShiJeng .
she is a cute and adorable girl ♥ a april intake senior .
but something happen to her family and she force to quit from the study at Inter-Excel .
having a small farewell for her in hostel and take many photo with her :)
Another senior , that's Iynevs , she also leaving hostel to her uncle house when i am in Ipoh !
so sad that we never help her to have a farewell , and we not even in the hostel when she leave !
but what , i saw few piece of paper on the dining table , writing all of the housemate name .
and i find mine ! my name with a piece of small paper .
writen there ,
To Shu Fen ,
Hey , remember to tag me the photo that i take together with SJ . Nice to meet you , a little cute girl , as cute as SJ !
Bye , take care !
Iynevs .
i just know her for few days , but is like knew for few months !
she is a march intake senior , well , bless her to have her own way in future ♥
story back to the life in Ipoh !
well , staying in his house for 3 days 2 nights again :DDDD
what a sweet story ~ eww ~
i dont know why , he keeep catch me and ask me take photo with him :$
so sad that we never help her to have a farewell , and we not even in the hostel when she leave !
but what , i saw few piece of paper on the dining table , writing all of the housemate name .
and i find mine ! my name with a piece of small paper .
writen there ,
To Shu Fen ,
Hey , remember to tag me the photo that i take together with SJ . Nice to meet you , a little cute girl , as cute as SJ !
Bye , take care !
Iynevs .
i just know her for few days , but is like knew for few months !
she is a march intake senior , well , bless her to have her own way in future ♥
story back to the life in Ipoh !
well , staying in his house for 3 days 2 nights again :DDDD
what a sweet story ~ eww ~
i dont know why , he keeep catch me and ask me take photo with him :$
hanging out with Shan to parade and bought many things !
and chat happily with the boy's "god mother" .
by the way , the boy is getting mad when Shan and I ask him to fetch us to Pasar Malam ~
Opps , well , is over !
and chat happily with the boy's "god mother" .
by the way , the boy is getting mad when Shan and I ask him to fetch us to Pasar Malam ~
Opps , well , is over !
Story back to the life in my own house !
went to parade for shopping and AGAIN ! bought many many things for my school ~
my mum bought ELLE watch for me , and bottle of DKNY perfume as well ~
Oh my lovely mummy , why you try to teach bad your daughter ?
your daughter still underage and not even have any job experience before ..
why you try to teach her to buy branded things , even that is not so branded !! :D
but am still very greatful to you la mummy ~ ♥ thanks mum !
went to parade for shopping and AGAIN ! bought many many things for my school ~
my mum bought ELLE watch for me , and bottle of DKNY perfume as well ~
Oh my lovely mummy , why you try to teach bad your daughter ?
your daughter still underage and not even have any job experience before ..
why you try to teach her to buy branded things , even that is not so branded !! :D
but am still very greatful to you la mummy ~ ♥ thanks mum !
FUN , with ♥
To the birthday boy :)
Teohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ~
Hahahahaa , i dont know why i so love to call you like this ~
Teohhhhhhhh sounds better than Hopkinss !
Teohhhhhhhhhh ~ ♥ Shang Yatt Fai Lok ♥ Happy Birthday ♥ Selamat Hari Jadi ♥
oh yeaaa , am so sorry Teoh ~
that i could not back to Ipoh and celebrate with you . am really sorry ~
even that my appearance is not that important :D Hahahaha .
Well , back to topics !
Teohhhhh ar Teohhhhhh , finally 18 years old jor lor , dai gor zai lor !
Never look backward ! Just focus the things that you having in this moment !
Dont always showing a emo face , and please treat everyone with your sweet smiling ♥
Study hard , work hard , play hard !!
Fun hereby blessing you , all the super duper best ! *huggies ♥
Happy Birthday to the Baby Milo's host , TeohHookKen ♥
FUN , with the best wishes ♥
thousands of feeling ~
May has gone .
most of those February seniors gone .
the feeling is like a bit sad .
from the day i came to Kuala Lumpur until now , there have been too many things happen !
Farrah gone , Apple gone , Eunice gone .
Visitors like Ridge , gone .
life is like so , when we going to close apart with each other , we will be far apart with each other in next second .
i believe that sadness will stay in our hearts because we lose those seniors ,
but happiness will show in our face that we believe that seniors will have a great life in aviation industry !
just slightly be friend with everyone who passing by our side ♥
by the way , a happy and lovable things happen in last week !
that i stay in someone house for few days ♥
i am really greatful to the person and the person's family , that they always take good care for me and cook a lot of food for me !
and curious what , the person post a picture that i took for him !
i totally shock for this action , since everyone of his friends dislike me what !
by the way , is feeling super sweet with this ♥
back to the topics , feeling a bit stressful this few days :(
that's the reason why i told the person that i want to hide back to ipoh again :DD
ya , am those type of person . whenever there's stress , i will choose to hide myself !
but luckily , the person rejected me and give me encouragement ♥
actually the stress was just come from the homework !
ah sir ask me to go for SilkAir interview what :S
as everyone know , cover letter and resume have to prepare for attending interview .
and i totally do not have any idea on cover letter and resume ~
but what , thanks to Apple who send me a sample and at the end of the story , i had finish it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope the interview will go smoothly ♥
what if i have been choosen ???????
OMG ! i dont even dare to think for this :D
most of those February seniors gone .
the feeling is like a bit sad .
from the day i came to Kuala Lumpur until now , there have been too many things happen !
Farrah gone , Apple gone , Eunice gone .
Visitors like Ridge , gone .
life is like so , when we going to close apart with each other , we will be far apart with each other in next second .
i believe that sadness will stay in our hearts because we lose those seniors ,
but happiness will show in our face that we believe that seniors will have a great life in aviation industry !
just slightly be friend with everyone who passing by our side ♥
by the way , a happy and lovable things happen in last week !
that i stay in someone house for few days ♥
i am really greatful to the person and the person's family , that they always take good care for me and cook a lot of food for me !
and curious what , the person post a picture that i took for him !
i totally shock for this action , since everyone of his friends dislike me what !
by the way , is feeling super sweet with this ♥
back to the topics , feeling a bit stressful this few days :(
that's the reason why i told the person that i want to hide back to ipoh again :DD
ya , am those type of person . whenever there's stress , i will choose to hide myself !
but luckily , the person rejected me and give me encouragement ♥
actually the stress was just come from the homework !
ah sir ask me to go for SilkAir interview what :S
as everyone know , cover letter and resume have to prepare for attending interview .
and i totally do not have any idea on cover letter and resume ~
but what , thanks to Apple who send me a sample and at the end of the story , i had finish it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope the interview will go smoothly ♥
what if i have been choosen ???????
OMG ! i dont even dare to think for this :D
FUN , with ♥ .
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